Here's one more handspun yarn that I forgot to post when I did the last batch of handspuns. This one is 4.0 oz - 128 yards - worsted weight - navajo plyed (3-ply) handspun from a merino/bamboo roving handdyed by Fat Cat Knits on etsy. It is for sale in my etsy store and I have one more 4 oz roving that I can spin up to match this one if you need additional yardage.
Sales from my etsy store have been very slow lately - in fact, no sales for the past week, which is very depressing. However, since I had a killer migraine that started last Wednesday and lasted through Saturday, that wasn't such a bad thing not to have sales to worry about getting ready and shipped. I hear from many sellers that sales have been slow to non-existent lately so I don't feel too bad. I am also still slogging through all the paperwork trying to get my numbers put together so I can file my taxes on-line this week and get that dreaded chore out of the way for this year. I always dread this time of year - doing the taxes. Ugh... does anybody else feel that way? I swear every year for the past several years I promise myself that I am going to do a better job of getting my paperwork organized so come next January I can just open up a spreadsheet and print out my figures and then file our tax return as soon as the W-2's arrive. Ha... and then life kept getting in the way of my good intentions. This year though I have at least started file folders for all my paperwork and have been deligent about filing everything in them. Now all I have to do is set up a spread sheet and enter information weekly or monthly, depending on how much there is to enter. At least this year I'm not working a full time job in town and running a teenager around - which leaves me a lot more time and energy to get organized and stay that way!
Love these colors!!!
I love that yarn too! I'd rather be spinning than doing taxes! I don't mind doing mine - they are easy. 1 W2 and mortgage interest and some charity receipts and boom, done. Kelly's are a P.I.T.A. He's a 1099 employee, or he was for all of last year, so it makes it way more complex.
Don't get discouraged with your sales. I am right there with you. This is always the tough time of year. Things will turn around.....I promise.
That is lovely! Makes me wish I knew how to knit or crochet or something!
- Stephanie @ http://fromhuskiestohusbands.today.com
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