Patty over at Broken Teepee is having a giveaway! You can win a large format poster 18"x24" print from Large Format Posters.com I would LOVE to have a poster size print of our Halter Champion Llama, Tempis Fugit to display at the llama shows we attend. So head on over to Broken Teepee to enter for your chance to win!
UPDATE: I WON! Thank you Patty for hosting this great giveaway. Now to see if any of my photos are high enough resolution to be blown up that large. I hope so!
That would be so gorgeous!
Good luck, and thank you!
good luck on the contest.
i have something over at my blog for you. have a great weekend!
I'll have to check out that giveaway! Thanks for the info!
Angel says thanks for the birthday wishes today!
You are the best enterer so far! Good luck!
Thank you PJ!
You're welcome Angel!
Pricilla - woo hoo!!!
I have been looking in your Etsy Store and I wanted you to know your stuff is just wonderful!
Linda: thank you so much! Sorry we haven't called yet - things have been crazy since late last week, starting with one of the dogs getting blasted Friday night by a skunk! I'll email you in a little bit.
YEAH...Brenda CONGRATS girl!!!! I hope that Priscilla will post your poster of the llama so we can all see. Hugs, Regi
Congratulations! It's so exciting to win things and especially to have a champion Llama - good for you!
Maria Michelle
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