I found this quiz on The Queen Speaks today and decided to take the quiz. I think this describes my parenting style perfectly! If you decide to take the quiz, be sure to come back here and comment on what your quiz results are.
T-Mobile Mom to Mom Quiz: "
Take the fun, Mom to Mom quiz and discover your parenting style.
Hmmm, I doubt they account for hooves and such :)
And the publicist has no children unless you count us!
Pricilla, I think you're right, although it might be fun to take, just to see how you think you'd react if you had children and no hooves!
Oh, I don't think there is a category for me!! I'm totally afraid to take it for fear of the results!!!
LOL I was SO of Lin's opinion before I took the quiz!
I'm honored to be mentioned on your stellar blog - thank you. :) Now, teach, can you please teach me not to be such a smartie pants??
Lin: You might be surprised!
Creative Queen: Trust me, my tongue was raw for years, trying to be supportive of my kids and not say what I really thought most of the time!
After hearing all the great things you did for your daughter, it does not surprise me that you are a terrific teacher. You're a terrific mom!
Meghann: Thank you sooo much! Being a Mom is the one of hardest jobs in the world but one of the most rewarding. I was honored to have the opportunity.
Sgt Strict, and proud of it. lol Seriously, my daughter was a straight A kid who I really didn't have to worry about; but she did not have unlimited cell minutes. Parents forget they have a job, they're not suppose to be their kids best friend. Kids need structure. Many of the questions didn't really relate to when my daughter was young. I must be much older than the rest of you. People didn't text instead of talk then, and kids didn't have cell phones. They had limited pay as you go emergency only type plans and that was when they hit high school. Certainly kids didn't have them then. And I'm not sure they need them now. I see them at dinner with their parents, ear phones on turned out, texting. Not at my table thank you very much.
I was a Sgt Strict! Having raised 3 girls to adulthood and still having one 11 yr old son at home, I got lots of experience! Oh, and the girls all turned out to be super grownups!
Um...I don't have any kids, but I took it because I'm curious. I am a teacher...but I was still a bit surprised when it said I was Sgt Strict! Don't let 'em get away with anything I guess!
I'm Sgt Strict too!! My boys have friends whose parents think it's more important to be their child's buddy then their parent. I don't have that problem. We've always been really quite strict with our boys and they have turned out great!! If I do say so myself!
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