A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone for their happy birthday wishes and their words of encouragement yesterday. The Celebration Sale in my etsy store was great, too! I sold as much yesterday as I did in about two full weeks of May. Now, May was a really low sales month so that isn't huge, but it was very encouraging because it exceeded the goal I set for myself in daily sales when I "retired" a year ago. So thank you to those who popped into my store and bought some fibery goodness. I hope you enjoy your fibers as much as I enjoyed creating them.

We must have had a bear come through last night because this morning when I went out to feed, one of our llamas that we have in a smaller pen to keep him away from the other adult males (they fight and he just cannot behave himself) was GONE! Now, normally I wouldn't be quite so paniked but this llama is sold and we are supposed to deliver him to his new home this Saturday. I found him in the pasture with the little boys and since they weren't talking smack at the time I left him there. However, a little while later I let Annie, my mini Aussie, out and heard screaming in that pasture and that male had our oldest male on the ground so I threw some shoes on and ran out to separate them. I got Problem Child put back where he belongs and ten minutes later I went out to check on things and all the other llamas were kushed and quietly enjoying their day.

Also, this morning I discovered one of our two year old males, Argentum, (photo above) had jumped a section of fence and was caught up in the fencing. He had made it over but his back legs came down too soon and the top wire of the fence was underneath his belly and right in front of his back legs. Thank goodness we used smooth wire and not barbed wire for that top line! Barbed wire would have cut him up terribly - I don't even want to think about how awful that could have been! Because we've had rain daily for the past two weeks the ground is very soft and I was able to push over the fence posts and pull down the wire enough to be able to then pull one of his back legs up over that wire and then the other one. Poor guy immediately squatted to pee...I have no idea how long he stood there unable to lay down or move! Fortunately llamas are extremely intelligent and most of the time they won't panic and struggle, which usually ends up getting them more tangled and in deeper trouble. He was just standing there patiently waiting for someone to help him out of his predicament. But can you imagine his terror if he was trapped there and a bear was on the prowl?! I think the little guy deserves a Purple Heart for his bravery.
Awh, pool little guy! What a trooper:)
I am very glad he is OK.
Congrats on your sales!
Oh my gosh, i'm glad everything was ok with the llamas, and congrats on the birthday sales!
Whew! Close one!!
Poor little Argentum. He is such a gorgeous color. I'm glad he was OK and that the bear didn't do anything awful.
I get the idea you have very few dull moments at your place. It must be a lot of fun. Congratulations on you successful sale - the fibers look beautiful.
Do you have a big problem with bears? We do, but we don't have any animals sleeping outside that we have to worry about. The dogs are always inside, so if the bear comes for a visit we just have to clean up the mess he left behind. We haven't seen him so far this year though!
Wow - You've had a wild 24 hours! Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm glad your sale was a success - one of these days (soon) I'm going to have to blow my budget and order. :)
Double kudos...on SALES and on the rescue (?) of the poor dark beauty llama. We dealt with bears a lot in Alaska, esp out in the bush, and I take them very seriously. Here in IL, it's just coyotes that can cause problems (oh, and the coons are big and aggressive this year, too!)
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