Thank you everyone for your nice comments on my last post. We have had major bear problems for several years now. BUT then we got a BIG BEAR GUN and he has steered clear most of the time. The DOW offered to give us some bean bag things to put in the shotgun...and I told them his 3 strikes were up and if we shot at him we were shooting to kill, not to just piss him off! They agreed that after sending several of our llamas over the fences (sometimes causing injuries, sometimes just sending our poor llamas a long ways away to get away from him), after breaking and entering my truck (busted my topper all up), after tearing down portions of our fence, and after busting down the door to our next door neighbor's garage, we were done messing with the bear. Guess he got the message that we meant business because his nighttime visits got scarce for quite awhile. It gets really old standing out in pitch black darkness with flashlights and a shotgun, shivering from the cold and fear, trying to calm the llamas and the horses and trying to figure out where the bear is at in the middle of the night, trying to be sure we aren't standing in his path to freedom, etc..
Poor Argentum is still very sore and has spent a lot of time in the kush position (laying down with all four legs gathered underneath) and he has been laying in an awkward position which tells me he is very sore in the tummy area. This morning I managed to get a good look at his belly (poor guy will stand but doesn't want to move around much) and I don't see any cuts but I imagine he's pretty bruised up. We're going to keep a very close eye on him and perhaps put him into a small pen (I'll put him in with the weanlings who are in a larger pen with high sides and visable from the house and away from where the bear likes to hang out) so we can monitor his food and water intake and his output and keep the other boys from bugging him while he recovers. Hopefully he's just bruised and it is nothing more serious than that. This little guy is from our top two llamas - his momma is our top producer (she has produced incredible crias so far - one is a Regional Grand Champion) and his poppa is our ALSA Halter Champion so we have high hopes for this guy in the show ring and as a stud prospect.
Please tell Argentum my wishes for his speedy recovery...sounds like he's got bright prospects ahead!
Poor guy! I hope he's feeling better soon. He may just be sore after that encounter and needs to rest.
I'm sure it's hard to see him hurting and not be able to know exactly what's wrong. Poor fella. Sending wishes that he feels better real soon!
Also, Happy Belated Birthday to you!
awwww.. he's so cute, that to think he's in pain is just terrible.
I think if you did what the folks in wyoming did to get rid of their coyotes, you may get rid of your bear.
they put the electric fencing outside of the regular pasture fencing, and made it lower so the animals wouldn't get caught on it;
but the invader would get a jolt when he touched it trying to get inside.
he was a crispy critter after about a week. terrible, but sometimes you have to take care of your's. give the cria a lil hug from all of us.
thought of shock lighting and fireworks like they use at the airports ?
btw, Happy Belated Birthday Sweets, glad it was fun.
Oh poor boy, please give him a little pat for me (do they like pats? I keep thinking of when I rode horses, lol) and I hope he gets better soon :)
Hope Argetum healed speedily.
Quite an experience he had out there.
I am so sorry that Argentum is feeling hurty. Soft purrs for him.
Hope Argentum gets better soon, he is really cute:)
Ooooh, I hope he's OK. It's so hard to see an animal sick. Give him a goat hug from me...
We have bears too but so far they have left us alone and they visit our neighbor who has a big fruit orchard.
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