I woke up this morning at shortly after 6 AM to the sound of something being batted around in the kitchen. I decided to get up and check it out - put on my robe and slippers and looked out the sliding glass door and thought, "Oh man, its really foggy out". I opened the front door to put the dogs out and GASP there were several inches of SNOW on the deck and what I thought was fog was SNOW! We had two inches of snow already and it was coming down lightly, almost like a mist. Two hours later we had four inches of snow and it shows no signs of letting up. We are under a Winter Weather Advisory until 6 PM tonight. We were supposed to go down the mountain to my parent's house in Colorado Springs today to celebrate Easter and hubby's birthday but that isn't looking promising. We could most likely make it in the truck - it is 4 wheel drive with good tires on it and very high clearance. But, from listening to the ham radio and scanner this morning traffic accidents in the county are one right after the other. So, we're waiting a bit to see if it would be safe to go or if we should stay home.
After doing chores this morning I got the camera and took some photos to share. The snow is wet and heavy so it is compacting down quickly and you can't really tell how much we actually got. But take a look at the branches on the pine trees and it will give you an idea of how heavy this stuff is. The poor little birdies were chirping on the deck looking for something to eat. Their food dishes were buried in several inches of snow. So, I brushed snow off strategic locations and refilled several more dishes so they'll have plenty to eat so they can stay warm today.
Oh, I got sidetracked, didn't I?! The batting sound was a plastic clamshell container that had strawberries in it. There was one green berry in the batch of strawberries that I just left in the container and left it on the counter last night. The cats had knocked it down and were playing "try to get the berry". Who needs to spend money on cat toys when everyday household items provide so much entertainment at no additional cost whatsoever!
Merry Christmas...I mean Happy Easter Brenda! THis was a very cute post I couldn't resist!
Eek! Where is spring?!? On your other point...every time we go shopping we proudly drop the bags and packaging on the floor and the kitties come running as we announce, "We got you some presents!" Don't waste your money on cat toys. They just sit around untouched. Haha.
Nothing like spring snow. So very sorry for you...
Heh heh. Cats...
Ok - I won't complain about the clouds or the wet because of melting snow. This pics look lovely, but sorry to here it's not a winter picture.
Oh wow -- you had snow? Eek.
The pictures are beautiful! I am not sure if you are a winter person or not, but I sure am. Snow brings me great joy. I hope you were able to enjoy your Easter and find delight in your snow cover.
Gotta love spring weather! Hope you're getting warmer now!
I can only imagine! Here in FL it got up to 89 degree's and we were fishing...brought home 8 sea trout!
Guess what we had for dinner last night?
I love snow, and homemade pet toys too...just like when the kids liked the boxes and wrapping paper better than the soon to be requested larger ticket items...LOL
Thank you for sharing, it is beautiful to this northern who deeply misses a true change of seasons.
I hope your day got better for you. I'm tired of seeing spring snow here in central New York. 65 degrees one day, snow the next. In the subject of "cat toys", I would have to say that my cat's favorite toy is either a grocery bag or a piece of twine tied to a chair.
What a shocker that must have been. But I bet it was easy to see the Easter bunny's tracks!
Wow ~ it looked beautiful!!! Just so sorry it was Easter instead of Christmas ~ LOL!!!
Yea..I'm a country person at heart too. I'm originally from Southwestern VA. My boyfriend I were having a talk last night about moving...I'm hoping it's soon!
lol....omg, thats terrible...no, wait......yeap, terrible because the wet snow is no fun :-(
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