This photo was taken in July 2007. These crias are pretty close in age. The first one born was Dusty Rose, the white cria on the right in front. The second one born (two weeks later) was Chocolate Chip (aka Mr. C - for CUTE), the appaloosa cria on the right in back. Then five hours after Mr. C was born came Argentum, the gray cria on the left. I can't believe these little ones will be two in a few months! Time sure does fly. We only had two crias born on the ranch last summer and this summer there will be no crias. We have cut way back on breeding due to the economy, sagging sales, etc. and we want to be sure that all the crias we produce will have wonderful homes (we still have all three of these guys and they are looking so wonderful. I already have the first shearing fleeces from Argentum and Mr. C reserved for a hand spinner in Arizona. She came to visit me last summer and fell in love with the fleeces on these boys. It was too late in the summer to shear them last year so I will shear them for her next month (providing the weather cooperates).
They are so tall! and cute...
Argent has incredibly long legs - he's very athletic! The other two have fairly normal length legs - but they're much taller than little kids! These guys were maybe a month old when this photo was taken.
They are so cute. I really like the Appaloosa Llama's, they go along with my Appaloosa horses, but I don't have room for any more critters at the moment. I really like that young Male with the white legs you have for sale.
Dunappy - you must be referring to Mr. C - the loud appy with the white legs. He is sooo cute. He's fairly small - his momma tends to produce smaller, more compact babies. I can hardly wait to see what he looks like after he's sheared next month. I'll take pics and post them of the babies after they've been sheared this year.
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