This was going to be a wordless post but there were so many comments I decided to post a little more about this cute little puppy. This is our toy poodle puppy that was approximately 8 or 9 weeks old when this photo was taken on 4th of July 2000. Gigi is going to be 9 years old on May 4th this year and she is still a cute little dog. We only had poodles when I was growing up. There were so many allergies in our family that a poodle was the only dog the allergist would okay for the family. Poodles are essentially non-shedding but do require frequent grooming to prevent their long curly fur from matting up. They are extremely intelligent and personable little dogs and they come in several sizes - Tea Cup, Toy, Miniature and Standard. They all share pretty much the same traits and are a joy to have as companions. The smaller sizes make great apartment dogs - you can even train them to use a litter box (there is special dog litter) or a wee wee pad when you can't make it outside to let them do their business. They love to be around people and love to go for rides in the car. Gigi used to go to work with me every day and she would sit in the seat until we went to the drive-up window at the bank or a fast food restaurant and then she would run to the window and stare at the person inside, begging for a dog cookie (which she usually would get). Poodles are easy to train and love to learn tricks and will perform them for whomever will watch - especially when cookies are at stake! I searched for months to find a black female toy poodle and the minute I saw Gigi I knew she was "The One" for us. Hubby didn't want a poodle again because I had a toy poodle when we got married and if DH made the dog mad, the dog would pee in his shoes! DH did NOT have a good opinion of poodles and finally told me "fine, you can get her as long as I don't have to have anything to do with her". We picked Gigi up during the day and I was holding her when DH walked in after work and he said "OMG, she is soooo cute!" and I said "Yes, she is, but you don't have to hold her because I know you want nothing to do with her!" Yes, it was love at first sight for DH, too. And Gigi still continues to amuse us and entertain us with her little antics and adorable personality.
Oh Brenda you didn't! How adorable. Look at that sweet face!!!!
OMG ~ that face!! I would love to get another puppy, but hubby thinks not??!! Our adorable Lhasa Apso died about 4 years ago and it was so hard!! But, we do get to enjoy our daughter's puppy when she comes to visit!
Mine is white and an adult now but I remember when I first laid eyes on him and he was 7 wks old - it was love at first site!!
Jen: No, this is our toy poodle Gigi, who turns 9 next month! I cannot believe she is going to be a "senior" dog already - it seems like we just got her!
Ollie McKay - who cares what hubby thinks?! My hubby said NO WAY to a toy poodle and then caved and said, okay, you can get her as long as I don't have to have anything to do with her. He walked into the house that day after work and saw me holding this little bundle of puppy love and he said "OMG - she's soooo cute!!!!!" and I said "yes, she is, and you can't hold her because you wanted nothing to do with her!" Little Gigi quickly won his heart. She stole mine the second I laid eyes on her!
Mama Flo - yep, mine is even older than yours is now and I still remember the first time I saw her. I absolutely melted! I had been looking for a black female toy poodle for months and finally found this one. I spoke up for her sight unseen and the minute I saw her I knew she was perfect - and she is!
I have to be honest I am not a dog fan...but that dog makes me want to be one! What kind of doggie is he/she? My hubby has allergies and we've talked about maybe getting a yorkie, is she good with allergies? Stop on over and link up your WW!
Had to give up our dog when we lost our house. This apartment doesn't allow any pets at all. We are looking for a new place so we can get another pup.
Please scratch her behind the ear for me too!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! What a darling!
Cute puppy! I have a question...I keep voting for your kitties. But when I go back in the afternoon when I come back with my second blog's click on the entrecard the second vote does not seem to register. Do you know what I might be doing wrong?
I hope you are winning!
Pricilla - I'm not sure why the second vote isn't counting. If you click through on the link in the right hand sidebar, you should be able to vote once every hour. We aren't winning but I certainly appreciate everyone's efforts to help us out!!!
OMG, what a cutie. Just love that face.
So cute!!!! Her face is adorable! I also have a toy poodle but she's white! I have two pomeranians as well...I'm a fan of the toy breeds! :)
OMG she looks like a little baby lamb ~ How sweet is she!
what a beautiful girl! tummy tickles from me x
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