Here is what the customer had to say when I emailed photos of the finished batts to her (we exchanged several emails back and forth):
I was worried about the randomness of the fibers, but you just wow. WOW. LOL my friend is probably going to contact you too, she was just as amazed at what you created. You really have a talent for it, I know I couldn't do what you did.
OMG I am speechless!!!! You did amazing, I can't believe that is from the roving I sent. WOW. Thank you so so so so so much, you are just awesome!
Once again, you did AMAZINGLY thank you so much, they are perfect!!
Needless to say, her praise and comments made my day. Doing this really helped me to think outside the box. I have never done this before - carded up random fibers that people sent to me. She gave me free rein and told me to just go crazy and have fun. I'm always worried that my intrepretation of what looks good wouldn't match what the customer envisioned. This time it worked out well - we were both pleased with the outcome. I'm thinking of adding another aspect to my business and dub it "Ugly Duckling Carding Services". However, the smaller the amount of fiber, the trickier the job becomes. The more colors and textures you have to choose from, the better your chances at creating something really inspired and beautiful. Any thoughts, comments, suggestions?
Wow, they really did turn out very beautiful! I give you a lot of credit for taking on a project like that. But then I guess that's what being an artist is all about...taking what people have in a big mess and rearranging it in a way that makes sense aesthetically. Very good job!
This really is a WOW! Beautiful work!
You did a phenomenal job - I looked at the first photo and thought, "wow, what the heck is she gonna do to make that pop?" and then you did your magic and WOW, you are awesome! Great job, I hope to see more!
It's amazing what you created with the roving you received. They are all so beautiful now.
WOW!! Is definitely the right word!!
My favorite is the one all the way on the right. You did an amazing job.
The difference between the before and after is amazing. I love your color combinations. I would have been thrilled as well with how well it turned out. Brava.
They are lovely, you did work magic there!
Wow - that's gorgeous! And I love your idea of the Ugly Duckling service :)
I am enthralled with the colors and how they just play together...yummy.
I don't begin to understand the terminology or process but I do understand beauty when I see it.
Oooh, up to 501 votes. Hope this means you are winning!
You did a great job. I'm not sure what she'll use them for - glow in the dark sweaters? lol Would love to see the finished products. I like that one on the far left...
I'm with Pricilla--don't get the terminology. What is carding?? Did you spin those fibers? They truly are lovely--quite the eye you have!!
Carding fibers is done on a drum carder - two cylinders with metal "teeth" on them, similar to a slicker brush used on dogs. The carder aligns the fibers and combs them nice and smooth and gets them all blended and going in the same direction. They then are ready for spinning or felting. The customer is going to spin these particular batts into yarn.
Amazing! I just got my own drum carder today and have been experimenting. You did a fabulous job!
Wow...those are amazing color blends! Your creativity is an inspiration!
You did such an amazing job!! No wonder your customer was so happy.
Oh, that isn't yarn? Whoa, I guess I have a lot to learn. Love the colors though. Love yarn too, just don't know how it comes to be. My knitting skills are quite rudimentary.
Wow, you did great with a rather 'awkward' bunch of colours to begin with!
Beautiful! Just like all the batts I get from your fiber of the month club! Great job!
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